What People Say
“Last night I was on a shift and one of our patients had a severe case of aphasia, and only because of you I knew what that was, and made a point of talking to the patient as much as possible and not about her with her husband”
MADA Volunteer
"I am so grateful to Koach Eitan for talking about aphasia, a word no one talks about or understands."
Aphasic Person
“What Eitan and Leora are doing is amazing. It is so hard to be in that position where you can’t speak; it has to be so frustrating and to find the strength to make that your mission, I can’t tell you how much I admire them,”
Tova Cern
founder of SiMedic Trauma
“Leora and Eitan, Well Done on all that you are doing!
Sister of an Aphasic person
“Before Eitan’s stroke I didn’t know about aphasia, I wasn’t even a big talker. Thank you for your patience in teaching us about it so that I can now have conversations with Eitan!”
Friend of Eitan
“This is wonderful encouragement to me as a parent! Made me cry to remember to be grateful and celebrate her survival and progress!"
Parent of Aphasiac person