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Image by Mel Poole

Jerusalem Marathon


Stay tuned for Jerusalem 2025 details

Not only is the Jerusalem Marathon an amazing way to initiate and create more awareness about all that we do, but it is a major fundraiser for our work and our year ahead. It allows us to continue doing what we do: supporting and creating initiatives and projects that help further inclusion and awareness for disability and stroke and aphasia. 

Marathon Gallery 2024


Marathon Gallery 2023


Team Koach Etian was started in 2018 to raise more awareness about stroke and aphasia.


For the many years leading up to Eitan’s stroke the Ashman’s have run for many different causes.


Many years ago, Leora was running for Team Shalva. When she got to the middle of the Jabotinsky hill in Jerusalem, she heard such a sweet sing song voice coming from behind - Run Team Shalva Run, - Lady you got this!! Leora says she can't describe the feeling it gave her but it really gave me the push her needed to run the rest of the hill! 

Over the past few years, we have had so many people notice our Team Koach Eitan shirts and ask who we are, about our team, and about stroke and aphasia.


Our runners have been able to teach their friends and loved ones about an invisible disability not a lot of people know about, and a great amount of awareness has been raised. The marathon is  a phenomenal platform to be able to come together and do this.

In March 2023, Team Koach Eitan will once again be running (jogging, walking or kalnoiting works too) with our team shirts. Whether people see the shirt from the back or the front, they will know, or maybe question and will become aware, and hopefully learn more about aphasia and stroke and the importance of more inclusion and less isolation.


Eitan and Leora hope to go and speak to the work teams of our wonderful, generous and super sponsors (if you would like to be a sponsor please reach out:)) to give them a motivational and educational presentation of Stroke, Aphasia and their journey.

Please consider making a contribution and join the growing Koach Eitan community. Our community works hard to bring about more inclusion, deeper connections and less isolation to those living with trauma, disability and loss.

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