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Let's Talk Campaign


The Let's Talk campaign teaches tips and tools for communicating and including those challenged with aphasia and other speech and language impairments. 

By learning these important tips and tools, you will enable more inclusion, connection, and conversation.


Remember...Aphasia affects language not intellect!

Erev Yom Kippur Birkat Habanim Printable Card


The blessing that we typically give to our children Erev Yom Kippur can be very daunting for those with aphasia as it is long, and the blessings are unfamiliar.


For some, it is overwhelming not being able to read. For others, articulating a blessing for their children is very hard.


Larger fonts can make reading easier. Icons describing the blessings can make the presentation a bit easier if reading aloud, or speaking is difficult.

Blessing on Lighting Shabbat Candles Printable Card


The traditional candle lighting blessing recited on Erev Shabbat can be particularly daunting for individuals with aphasia or language impairments, as they can be lengthy and filled with unfamiliar words.
For some, the inability to read can feel overwhelming. For others, the challenge lies in simply articulating a blessing.  Larger fonts can make reading easier, while icons that visually represent the themes of the blessings can help simplify the process. These tools can offer support when reading aloud, speaking, or merely imagining the words one wishes to share with their children that can become obstacles.
We hope that this card—part of the newest initiative of the Koach Eitan Organization—will enable and empower more people with the ability to be take part in the Erev Shabbat candle lighting and make it less likely for them to shy away from the blessing as a result of insecurities related to communication or speech difficulty.
This is the second card of the Accessible Printable Blessing Card with Icons series envisioned and created by Binyamin Casper, Yael Harris Resnick, Malka Hubscher, Leora Ashman and Eli Stein.

Empowering Seder Conversations Haggadah


Our Haggadah presents clear and inspiring insights to foster broad inclusion and engagement at the Seder.


This Haggadah features the voices of Eitan Ashman and other individuals who offer unique perspectives gained through their perseverance and encounters with language, communication, and other challenges. It also includes meaningful thoughts shared by contemporary Jewish leaders and educators.


Please consider making a contribution and join the growing Koach Eitan community. Our community works hard to bring about more inclusion, deeper connections and less isolation to those living with trauma, disability and loss.

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